A Christmas Wish from Impact Houses founder Piet Colruyt:
What a year ! I think I used the same words last year. We started this year with a new vaccin, pretending it would lead us to our beloved freedom. No longer than yesterday, our government decided to close big inhouse events, theaters and movies again. 2 days after we had our last Impact Monday of the year in de Cinémas Galeries where we enjoyed the movie “All of us” about an inclusive society full of hope.
2021 made clear that we will have to live with that little virus. It is there to stay. Let’s hope a much less harmful variant becomes dominant so we can just accept it like an annual flu. Bringing people together, enjoying inspiring presentations, working together around social change, building bridges between social sector and investors,… that’s what the Impact House is about.
We are also here to stay: we will not stop bringing bright minds together, creating synergies between those dreamers with splendid innovative solutions and result driven investors who want to measure concrete impact.
I hope to see you all in 2022 without masks, without sanitary passes, giving hugs, closing deals with hand shakes, embracing co-creation, enjoying mass events that promote social inclusion,… but hope is not a strategy.
The best strategy today is to take care… Take care!