BOOK / Game Changer: How education, technology and climate action change the world
In Game Changer, Koen Timmers shows how education, technology and climate action can change the world.
In Game Changer, Koen Timmers shows how education, technology and climate action can change the world.
Topwetenschapper en schrijfster delen hun liefde voor kwantum.
Imagination is the ability to look at things as if they could be otherwise. According to Rob Hopkins, the ability is to ask What if? And if there was ever a time when we needed that ability, it is now.
A Christmas Wish from Impact Houses founder Piet Colruyt: What a year ! I think I used the same words last year. We started this
Humankind makes a new argument: that it is realistic, as well as revolutionary, to assume that people are good.
Sylvain Darnil et Mathieu Le Roux démarrent un tour du monde à la recherche d’hommes et de femmes exceptionnels qui réinventent leur métier et créent des entreprises rentables pour édifier le monde qu’ils souhaitent au lieu de subir celui qui existe.
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